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How to start a Block and Bridle club

It is fairly easy to have a club already in existence at a junior college, technical school or 4-year college or university become affiliated with the National Block & Bridle Club. A club name change to Block & Bridle is not necessary; several clubs across the nation go by names such as Animal Science Club, Saddle & Sirloin Club, etc. It is recommended that when starting a new club it be called Block & Bridle for closer national recognition, but this is not necessary.


To become an affiliate of the national organization requires the inclusion of three general items in a club constitution. The first two are general goals and state two overall club objectives:
  • To promote animal agriculture (or any phase of it) 

  • To promote scholarship among members 
  • The third constitutional requirement is that a sentence be included requiring the club to send in a membership fee to the National Block & Bridle Club for lifetime membership dues. This should be paid when the student joins the local club. The National Club will then send an 8" x 11" National Membership certificate back to the club for each member.


The club and member benefits from national affiliation are as follows:
  • Attendance at the annual national Block & Bridle Convention which includes club workshop seminars, agricultural tours, educational seminars and opportunities to attend livestock shows. 

  • National contests for individual scholarships as well as club awards for activities, published yearbooks, scrapbooks, and web pages. 

  • Newsletters about national activities and events and web page listing including links to local chapter pages. 


How to become a nationally affiliated Block and Bridle club:
  1. A new or an established club that would like to affiliate with the National Block and Bridle Club should submit a petition to the National Vice President.

    • The petition should include a statement of intent and a copy of the constitution (or proposed constitution for a new club) and letters from your chapter president, chapter advisor and a university official (Dean, Director, Department Head or Chairman). 

      • The letter from the chapter president should include a description of your club (number of members, activities that are planned, how often you meet, and any other pertinent information). The letter from your advisor should include a historical perspective (if there has been interest for a while), his/her commitment to serve as advisor and to attend the national conventions with the club (if they plan to come), and an indication of departmental support. The letter from the administrator (Academic Dean, Director of Academic Programs, or Department Head/Chair) should indicate college support of the idea.

  2. This petition will be acted upon at the next national Block & Bridle Convention. Upon admission to the National Block and Bridle Club, a charter will be issued from the National Secretary and the club will be placed on the web listing by the National Editor.


Please refer any questions about joining to the National Vice president or any other national officer for assistance. We encourage and welcome new members.

Block and Bridle


Contact Us

For more information, reach out.

Dr. Jason M. Scheffler PhD.

Associate Professor

University of Florida

Department of Animal Sciences

PO Box 110910

2250 Shealy Drive

100C Animal Sciences

Gainesville, FL 32611-0910

Office 352-392-9155

Cell    765-412-4537

© 2021 by National Block and Bridle Club.

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