Member Award Criteria
Outstanding Member Scholarship Award Rules
In an endeavor to promote higher scholastic standards among students in Animal Science, the National Block & Bridle Club will offer cash awards to outstanding Senior, Junior, and Sophomore students who are enrolled in college and are active members of a Block & Bridle Club.
The following rules and regulations are suggested:
Academic standing
Outstanding Senior
The student must be enrolled in a regular four-year curriculum and must have completed at least 12 quarters or seven semesters of course work and be in there final year of college work.​
Outstanding Junior
The student must be enrolled in a regular four-year curriculum and must have completed at least eight quarters or five semesters of course work and have at least one year of college work remaining to be completed.
Outstanding Sophomore​
​The student must be enrolled in a regular two-year curriculum and must have completed at least two semesters of course work and have at least one semester of two-year college work remaining to be completed, or enrolled in a regular four-year curriculum and must have completed at least two semesters of course work. Preference will be given to students enrolled in a two-year curriculum.
The chapter may nominate one student for each award.
The student must be an active member in good standing of the local and National Block & Bridle Club.
Selection will be conducted by a committee selected by the National Block & Bridle Vice President with a minimum of three committee members. The committee should include at least one undergraduate student and at least one representative of a small chapter (this could be the same person).
The names of the five winners will be announced at the National Block & Bridle Convention.
If for some reason the winner of the scholarship is unable to accept the award, the second place contestant shall be eligible. In no case will the award be given to an individual if they do not continue college work.
The chapter's nomination for the Outstanding Senior, Junior, and Sophomore Scholarship Award is limited to five (5) typed pages (front only). An official transcript must be included in the nomination packet. Please be as complete and thorough as possible.
The report should contain the following items:
An official transcript, signed by the register, stating the number of credit hours completed and grade point average should accompany the credentials. All scholarship awards should be listed in the nomination packet.
Summary of Block and Bridle Activities
All of the activities of the Block & Bridle Club in which the nominee has taken part should be included, such as offices held, committee assignments, work assignments, etc.
Other Activities
This list should include all activities since entering college not sponsored by the Block & Bridle Club (such as fraternities, church, intern experiences, athletics, debate, drama, judging, college committees, work, etc.).
Scholarship Awards
First place will receive $750; second place, $600: third place, $450; fourth place, $300; and fifth place, $150.
Date Due
The Outstanding Junior Scholarship Award nomination packet should be emailed to the National Block and Bridle Vice President and copied to the Block and Bridle awards email by June 15. The format of the nomination packet needs to be a multipage ‘pdf’ file, which can be attached as a SINGLE file to your email. The official transcript can either be emailed as a separate file or it can be mailed with a postmark of June 15 if it is not possible to send an electronic copy. For late entries, 3 points will be deducted for each day beyond the June 15 deadline (100-point scale), and entries will not be considered if they are two or more weeks late.