Each chapter should read the Constitution as to membership in the National Block and Bridle Club. The induction fee of $10.00 should be collected from each candidate prior to induction into the club. The chapter may add local fees to the national fees and require inductees to submit all fees at once. As soon as inducted, the chapter secretary should email the Chapter New Member Report to the National Secretary and mail a copy along with a check for their membership fees, to the National Secretary. Certificates will be made out and sent back as soon as possible. Be sure the name of the member is spelled as the individual wants it on the certificate and that the induction date is included. Lost certificates can be reordered for $10.00 each.
Chapter New Member Report
The Chapter New Member Report should be submitted annually and should be submitted on any persons attending the National Convention prior to Convention.
Please follow the guidelines below:
1. Fill out the posted Chapter New Member Report and email this form to the National Secretary. Make sure to list names as first name and then last name both in one column (ie Jane Doe).
2. Type all information onto the forms and proofread.
3. All information on the forms is required and will appear on the certificates as submitted
Election of Officers and Advisors
Each chapter should e-mail a list of its new officers and advisors as soon as elected to the National Editor. Be sure this list includes the campus and home address of the President and Secretary as well as campus address, phone number, and e-mail address of advisor(s). Also include the address of the chapter's website.
Honorary Membership
Outstanding individuals in the field of Animal Sciences are entitled to honorary membership in the local Block and Bridle Club. There are no dues and no fees for honorary members. This matter is discussed in Article II of the Constitution of the National Block and Bridle Club. In the spring semester or quarter, each chapter may nominate one to three persons for honorary membership. Nominations should include the exact name of the honorary member, the date the individual is to be inducted or granted honorary membership, and the chapter the individual is being inducted into. Send this information, to the National Secretary, who will prepare and mail the certificates. Each chapter should be extremely careful to select outstanding persons-otherwise the honorary membership will have an insignificant value.